Get the supplies and equipment you'll need before your puppy comes home.
Here's a list:

The ebook on www.allshihtzu.com is over 500 pages of information.  It has so much info for new puppy parents.  The All Shih Tzu Book is now available in paperback too. 
Tip-proof, stainless steel food & water dishes. Stainless steel is dishwasher safe and easily sanitized.
Nutri-Cal, quality high-calorie nutritional gel.
Exercise Pen ~ my puppies are used to the Superyard XT from Babies R Us
Small Crate, You can get these at WalMart.
A wire, wooden or plastic baby gate for blocking doorways.
Easily washable, hard-to-destroy bedding material, imitation sheepskin works well
Puppy Potty Training Pads, help simplify the housebreaking process.
ID Tag with your phone number to wear on the collar
A collection of high quality, safe chew toys
Grooming supplies for touch ups between professional grooming: metal comb, slicker brush and ear cleaner, nail trimmer, shampoo. Be sure to blow your baby dry after their bath.
Good books on puppy care & training .
Puppy-proof your home
Raising a puppy is a lot like raising small children -- they get into everything! Some of what they get into can be hazardous to their health or to your possessions. You can make life safer for the puppy and your furniture by getting rid of hazards and temptations ahead of time. To a puppy, the world is brand new and fascinating! A puppy will be most attracted to the things he shouldn’t have. Preventing destructive and dangerous chewing is easier than trying to correct the puppy every second. Look around your home. What objects could be put up out of the way of a curious puppy? Bitter Apple spray can be applied to furniture legs, woodwork and other immovable items. Are there rooms your puppy should be restricted from entering until he's better trained and more reliable? Install a baby gate or keep the doors to those rooms closed. Take a walk around your yard looking for potential hazards. If your yard is fenced, check the boundaries and gates for openings that could be potential escape routes. Puppies can get through smaller places than an adult dog. If your yard's not fenced, make a resolution right now that your puppy will never be allowed to run off lead without close supervision. He won't ever know enough to look both ways before crossing the street to chase a squirrel. Keep him safe by keeping him on leash!
Use a schedule
Work out a schedule for you and the puppy. Housetraining is much easier when the puppy's meals, exercise and playtimes are on a regular schedule throughout the day. Housebreaking is a whole subject in itself. Your book on puppy care and training should have a section on housebreaking with suggestions and a recommended schedule. Many people like to bring their puppies home on a weekend in order to devote extra time to settling in and housebreaking those first few days.
Everybody needs their own place
Decide where to put the dog crate, and have it set up and ready for his arrival. Where to keep the crate will depend on what's most convenient for you as well as the puppy's response. Many puppies don't like to be isolated in one part of the house while their family is in another but some puppies won't settle down in their crates if there's too much activity going on around them. You might have to experiment with different locations until you learn what works best for both you and the puppy.
Visit your vet
Make an appointment with your veterinarian to give the puppy a complete checkup within 48 hours of your purchase. If you don't have a vet yet, ask local friends or your local kennel club for a recommendation. Although your puppy has been health-checked by our veterinarian, an exam by your veterinarian is additional security to assure yourself that you received a healthy puppy. If your vet offers microchip ID implants, this an excellent time to get one!
Car Sickness
Car sickness is common among puppies. It is a good idea to bring paper towels just in case. Holding the puppy in your lap may help him feel more secure and help prevent car sickness. Car sickness generally decreases with age and more frequent car trips.
Starting Out
When you arrive at home with your puppy, we recommend putting him/her in the place that you want him to use for a bathroom. The puppy will be ready to relieve himself when you get home, and it is best to let him/her know that this area is where you want him/her to go. Your puppy has just entered a whole new world. Sights, sounds, smells, people... all are new to him. Allow him to explore his new surroundings with as little restriction as possible. Treat him with "kid gloves", talk softly, move slowly, cuddle and play with him. All of this will help him learn that he is home.
Feeding Your Puppy (a feeding schedule should not be started until the puppy is 12 weeks of age to avoid hypoglycemia)
The first rule in feeding your puppy is to choose a good quality dog food. There are two ways to go about feeding your puppy. One option is to "free feed" which means food is always available to him/her. The other is to use a feeding schedule, breaking his/her daily amount into several different feedings. Choose the feeding option that best fits your schedule. For people who stay at home and want to potty train their puppy the best choice is a feeding schedule. Take your puppy outside 15 minutes after each of his 3 or 4 daily feedings. Eventually this will become a learned habit and he will want to go outside regularly. As he grows older he will only require feeding once a day but will already understand that his potty place is outside. (Or on the paper if you go that route). For paper training we recommend puppy potty training pads. Placing him on the pad after each feeding. Once he's used to the pad you can make a slow conversion to paper by first covering the pad with the paper and eventually using paper only. It is a wise idea to make the puppy's last meal in the early evening to prevent any night time accidents. Also if your puppy gulps his food when you feed it (sometimes making himself sick) he's probably not getting enough food or not getting it often enough, making him think he has to hurry or it won't be there. For free feeding simply leave the puppy's food in an area readily available to him. If you find your puppy seems over weight cut back on the amount of food given each day. It is still a wise idea to take up the puppy's food in the early evening to avoid a night time accident. Puppies’ digestive systems were not designed for "people food". There are plenty of snacks and treats available to purchase that will make him happy and not hurt him in any way.
If you are going to become a toy dog owner you will want to familiarize yourself to the symptoms of hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is often seen in young toy puppies, and most of the time the symptoms can be controlled by eating, or by giving some glucose such as honey water to the puppy. Glucose is what the body uses as fuel and is necessary for the brain tissue and muscles to function. Hypoglycemia is when the blood sugar levels (glucose) fall well below normal. It can cause your puppy to become confused, disoriented, drowsy, have the shivers, stagger about, collapse, fall into a coma, or have seizures. Episodes of hypoglycemia often occur without warning. A puppy may be stressed by shipping, or a missed meal, being chilled, or even exhaustion from too much play. Because of their tiny size, toy puppies cannot eat a lot at one time, and literally run out of fuel quickly. Puppies should be fed several times a day a high quality diet. Most puppies will outgrow the problem. Some very tiny dogs will continue to have bouts of hypoglycemia throughout their life. If your puppy experiences episodes of hypoglycemia it is important to restore the blood levels of glucose as quickly as possible.

Typical symptoms:
Staggering Gait
If your puppy is conscious, give him/her a little White Karo Syrup, or Honey under its tongue, or rubbed on its gums. Do NOT pour into the mouth as the puppy could easily choke. You can also mix honey, or corn syrup with pedialite, stir to dissolve, and dribble it into the puppy's mouth. Nutri-Cal also works extremely well in an emergency. The puppy should begin to improve within about ten minutes, if not contact your vet as quickly as you can.